This blog introduces the breeding and child-rearing struggle of little grebes in Inokashira Park in 2017 with photos.
I'm sleepy, but chicks are in a good mood for a piggyback ride, and what I want to see in front is with a human child
On August 8th (2017), three days after the chicks were attacked, when I went to see the little grebes on the gourd bridge, the nest was empty.
I can hear the grebe crying in the distance, so it seems that the little grebe parent and child are nearby, and it is hard to come back to the nest.
Are the chicks safe?
After a while, the parent bird returned to the nest.
There is only one chick on his back, and it seems that another one has been killed.
The last remaining bird seems to be raised more carefully than ever before.
It seems that the parent bird learned that it is very dangerous to leave the chick alone on the surface of the water, so he started to go out with the chick on his back.
Also, there are few turtles around the nest, and the chicks are gone, so they can't get close to each other, or the parent birds may be driving away the turtles.
Suppon, a parent bird protesting the resting Suppon, withdraws his head, but leaves after thinking.
Don't let your guard down even near the nest. "Dangerous, go to the nest soon!"
The chicks have grown to a certain extent, so it won't be easy for turtles to kill them anymore.
He seems to be wary of his surroundings and should be fully aware of the dangers of turtles.
It's also thanks to the brothers who are now sacrificed.
But don't let your guard down.
Now, with the love of the parents, the rice that had been distributed by the brothers is now monopolized.
I can eat full.
A parent bird that inflates its feathers and spoils its chicks.
The parent bird seems to treat the chicks with love, which was unthinkable when there were two chicks.
It seems that it is difficult to catch food around here, probably because the water is muddy.
Since the parent bird is not confident of raising three chicks, it may be that they dared to expose the chicks to dangerous eyes and have them select strong ones according to the rules of nature.
Little Grebe parent and child of Nanai Bridge
All three of the chicks on Nanai Bridge are growing steadily.
Parent birds often go for walks with their chicks, and the distance goes away from the nest day by day.
The chicks, the parent birds that we put on our backs equally, grow up and are very cramped.
Whether they are good at fishing or have abundant food, the parent birds catch food and feed it to the chicks more frequently than the gourd bridge.
This may be because the water is clearer than the area around the gourd bridge.
Parents and children of Nanai Bridge, all three of which are growing vigorously and quickly
At first, there were many foreign enemies, so I was most worried about raising children at Nanai Bridge.
In fact, it's doing the best.
These parent birds protect the chicks from the threat of foreign enemies.
Perhaps he has a lot of experience in raising children.
to be continued