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Recommendations for measurement with invisible threats, magnetic fields, electric fields, high frequ

Writer's picture: Takashi IwamotoTakashi Iwamoto

This time, I will change my mind and talk about life in Nairobi.

The author, the maintainer of this blog, is a cameraman who is based in Nairobi. This time it's a story that has nothing to do with shooting.

This time, we will talk about the effects on the body such as magnetic fields, electric fields, and high frequencies that sneak into the house without knowing it and have an adverse effect on the body, and how to deal with it.

I hope you will read it with suspicion.


  1. Let's sharpen the sixth sense

  2. Invisible threats, electric fields, electric fields, magnetic fields, sacred fields,

  3. The next thing I suspected was the power cable that went back and forth in the room.

  4. Buy a trifield meter

  5. What I learned using the Trifield Meter

  6. The biggest threat

  7. Stronger low-frequency magnetic fields cause headaches and malaise

  8. summary

  9. 20 points found using the trifield meter

  10. Increasing threats

  11. Unknown threat, 5G


When I live out of Japan, I often feel that I sharpen my sixth sense and follow it carefully.

Is it the so-called news of insects?

The caretaker was also in Nairobi, and his wallet and cell phone were stolen by pickpockets.

Looking back before such a bad thing happened, I noticed that there was almost always a notice and news of insects.

  • "You shouldn't get on the bus from there today!"

  • "You should change the route today!"

  • "You shouldn't go out today!"


I used to ignore such advice because of my feelings, but as a result of ignoring it, I had a bad eye.

Over and over again, she began to think that her sixth sense was a non-trivial and important sensation, and she began to listen to such advice.

It seems that humans have such a sixth sensational power, which has not been scientifically elucidated yet, to protect themselves from danger.

This may apply not only to humans but also to other animals.

You may be communicating by telepathy unexpectedly.

As a preface, it's a little off, but this time I'll write about the invisible threats around me.


Invisible threats, electric and electric fields

It was a long time ago, but I noticed some kind of threat from my family's accident and physical condition.

The first physical upset in the family was headache and dizziness.

I had symptoms such as not being able to fall asleep due to a headache or getting up in the morning and having a headache.

At first, I didn't really care if it was a cold, but there is no sign that it will be cured for a long time.

Since I don't know the cause, I suspected my spiritually sensitive wife, the spiritual one, and took measures.

So she suspected that magic or something spiritual was the cause of her headache.

As a countermeasure, I tried various things that I checked on the net, such as filling salt, grilled salt, and covering the mirror with a cloth.

Then, some headaches seemed to have healed.

Well, it may be a mood, but I will introduce it because it was effective in various ways.

What was interesting was that when I covered the mirror installed in the apartment with a cloth, my close relatives said, "I started to have strange dreams for days in a row!"

Not only that, one of the apartments I live in has said the same thing.

It may be unconscious, but each may have done something wrong spiritually.

In this world of magic, the technique of sneaking through a mirror seems to be often used? ?? ??

And when I used salt and grilled salt, even the caretaker, who had almost no inspiration, felt something terrifying for a while.

The feeling is that the ghost, who had been comfortable until now, became uncomfortable due to salt and began to move.

For example, is it the feeling of a cockroach that springs up by placing boric acid dumplings? impoliteness!

Especially when the area around the water, the toilet, and the shower approached, I felt extremely rushed.

After a week, that feeling almost disappeared.

Does it feel like the bad things have escaped and are gone?

After that, the creepy place was transformed into a refreshing air.

However, it seems that only those who are spiritually weak are effective with salt, and from the experience after that, I got the feeling that overdoing is not good.

There were a lot of cleanliness, but my family's headache didn't go away completely.


The next thing I suspected was the power cable that went back and forth in the room.

Electricity in this country (Kenya) is 220-240 volts 50HZ.

An electric field is generated around the power cable.

This electric field is generated around the cable if the cable is connected to the outlet even if the power of the device is off and no current is flowing.

I didn't know that until I searched online.

Not knowing that, the 220-volt power cable used to run very close to the head of the bed. I was able to control the brightness of the light at hand while I was sleeping.

As soon as I moved the cable, the headache subsided.

It seems that the cause of the headache was that the electric field spreading around the cable affected the brain while sleeping.

As long as I turned off the power, I assumed that electromagnetic waves that would have an adverse effect on my body would not be generated, and I felt "I'm scared of not knowing things!".

A low frequency electric field of 50HZ, an unknown frequency that human beings have never experienced, seems to be very bad for the body.

A number of research results have been reported on the effects of electromagnetic waves, and it is said that the frequency of leukemia and brain tumors is predominantly high when living in a high magnetic field in all the results.

In Japan, people live under high-voltage lines, but some countries prohibit them from living.

The reason is that it is easy and dangerous in many years of research.

High-voltage lines carry high voltages and large currents of hundreds of thousands of volts.

Due to the high voltage, the effect is great even if the distance is large.

Therefore, even if the voltage is low, if the distance is short, you will live near the high-voltage line, and the situation is the same in terms of electromagnetic fields.

So, by moving the power cable away from the head of the bed, the headache problem was completely solved.


Buy a trifield meter

It was four years ago (2016) that I bought an electromagnetic wave measuring instrument, Trifield Meter, to measure the safety of my living space when I returned to Japan.

Purchased trifield meter

I bought a meter that swings an analog needle, which makes it easier to understand the change than the numerical value.

The analog model has the merit of clearly displaying the change in the state of the electromagnetic wave at that moment without a time lag, even if it is numerically unclear.

Analog that can measure the degree of risk without stress.

With this tri-field meter (3-axis sensor), we investigated the safe and dangerous areas of the room.

This tri-field meter can be checked by turning the dial.

  • Low frequency magnetic field: 100mG range, 3mG range, 2 ranges

  • Low frequency electric field: 1000V / m range

  • High frequency: 0.01-1.0mW / cm2

What I learned using the Trifield Meter

First of all, it turned out that the low-frequency electric field is a threat only around the cable, not so much.

It almost disappears from a large TV or stereo speaker with a low-frequency electric field at a distance of 1 meter.

One thing to note is that even if the power is off, if the power cable is connected, it depends on the model, but a certain amount of electric field is generated around the TV.

And it turned out that this electric field can be suppressed efficiently when grounded.

Mysteriously, this electric field almost disappears when you connect a 3-core cable or a grounded cable, which is common here.

In Japan with a 2-core cable, it seems difficult to ground, but for health reasons it is better to ground.

As the distance increases, the attenuation becomes so large that it cannot be measured immediately.

You can easily prevent it by moving the cable away a little or moving it a little by yourself.

Oh yeah, I don't think I'll be nervous.

If you are worried about it, just disconnect the power cable.

It was confirmed that there was almost no low-frequency electric field entering from the outside.

By the way, the electric field of the USB cable is strong recently.

It's best to keep the cable and body away from your body, such as when charging your smartphone or when you go to bed.

It turns out that it's not too difficult to protect yourself from low-frequency electric fields, as they decay rapidly over distance.

The biggest threat

The biggest threat found using the Trifield meter.

It is a low-frequency magnetic field that invades the living space from the outside.

When I first measured it with this meter, it was a low frequency magnetic field that was zero most of the time.

Recently, it has been rapidly increasing in strength.

This rapid increase was such that the entire family, including the caretaker, felt headaches and malaise.

A headache that has recently started again,

By measuring with a tri-field meter, it was found that there is a correlation between the change in the strength of the AC magnetic field and the change in physical condition.

Stronger low-frequency magnetic fields cause headaches and malaise

With the trifield meter, I could easily find the source of the magnetic field as I traced it toward the higher magnetic field.

It's a cable that I haven't confirmed yet, but it's being pulled from the internet provider to each home.

A cable was recently laid from a telephone pole, probably because a neighbor on the floor directly below had a contract with an Internet provider.


A strong low-frequency magnetic field is generated from the cable.

When I brought the meter closer to the cable, the value was close to 100mG even though it was still about 2 meters away.

Even before this cable was laid, there was a strong space with a low frequency magnetic field.

It is the stairs where cables gather, the landing on the first floor.

Near the current collector, the needle can lightly shake off 100Mg.

Probably Internet related.

And, as I found out by measuring, the building itself has become a low-frequency magnetic field space.

In the room, the magnetic field seems to come in along the reinforcing bars in the wall even at a distance, and the attenuation is very slow.

Therefore, although there are large and small houses, the values ​​are quite high in all of them.

It turns out that low frequency magnetic fields are very difficult to protect.

Here is a description of the unit

mG, a unit of magnetic field, pronounced milligauss
Units such as T and Tesla are also often used.
Tesla is so strong that it is a unit called nT nano Tesla (nano = 1/11,
000,000,000) is used.

The relationship between Gauss and Tesla
1mG = 100nT.
Since the unit of the meter used is mG, I will use the unit of mG (milli gauss) in this blog.

The earth's magnetic field is extremely high and weak near the equator.
The range is 24000nT to 66000nT (240mG to 660mG)

That is, "It's much stronger!", But it's a direct current magnetic field.
It is the low-frequency AC magnetic field that has an adverse effect on the body measured this time.

When the frequency of the electromagnetic field changes, its effect also changes, so it is interesting to know what the frequency is.

The low frequency magnetic field in the caretaker's workplace has now not dropped below 5mG since the cable was laid.

From the experience based on the measurement so far, it was found that up to about 6 mG, there is not much upset in the body even if it is for a long time.

Beyond that, when it exceeds 7mG, I start to feel a headache and gradually feel uncomfortable.

When I feel sick, the magnetic field is usually over 10mG.

It doesn't make you feel sick suddenly, but it works over time.

Recently, the magnetic field in the workplace where I write blogs and take pictures has occasionally exceeded 20mG.

If this happens, the subsequent work will become difficult.

So, I'm writing this article in the living room where the magnetic field is a little weak.

The magnetic field in the living room is still about 5mG.

Cables were laid on the floor directly below, and the low-frequency magnetic field in the room became high, so the bed was moved to the lowest place.

The low-frequency magnetic field that enters from the outside, unwillingly, constantly rushes into the living space, although the force is weakened.

Fortunately, the children's room is currently limited to a maximum of 4mG.

However, a survey conducted by Dr. Sabitz in the United States in 1987 found that childhood leukemia was 1.93 times higher and childhood muscle tumors 3.26 times higher in a magnetic field of 2 mG (milligauss) or higher. "

Other studies may indicate a higher risk.

Compared to those results, the value of the magnetic field in the children's room is 4mG, which is not a good situation.

Previously, when I lived in a rural area of ​​western Kenya, the apartment had zero low-frequency magnetic fields coming in from the outdoors.

The internet cable was laid, but the provider is another company, and all of them are optical fiber cables.

No magnetic field, electric field, or high frequency was measured from the fiber optic cable.

It seems to be a very clean information transmission method.

It seems that the internet provider company, which is often found in this Nairobi apartment, uses copper wire for the cable.

The provider has recently cut prices to increase the number of contracts.

Now, somewhere in the neighborhood, the cable was laid along a telephone pole.

Under the cable that runs overhead, there are many places that exceed 50 mG, even though it is 4-5 meters away from the cable.

The town has become a low-frequency magnetic field side street.

There must be many people who are suffering from headaches without knowing anything.

Somehow, I want you to be regulated as soon as possible.


After that, construction work related to Internet cables was carried out in the neighborhood, and the AC magnetic field dropped dramatically.

It's about 8mG near the internet cable, which used to be about 100mG, and about 1.5mG for children's beds.

For the time being, I no longer feel sick due to the magnetic field.

Did I forget to attach the earth that should be laid?

I was thinking about moving anyway, but it's no longer necessary.



By using the trifield meter this time, I was able to know many invisible and dangerous facts.

It may be due to a physical disorder that I have never felt before, an electric field that I cannot see, or a magnetic field.

When you feel such an incident, it is very important to find out the cause.

If an electromagnetic field is suspected, it is better to use a measuring device to understand the situation of the electromagnetic field around us, both for ourselves and for our family.

In particular, it is very important to check the condition of the bed where you spend a long time.

With a trifield meter, you can tell whether your body's upset is due to a low-frequency magnetic field, a low-frequency electric field, or a high frequency.

It's very convenient because the coping method is different for each.

What I recently learned is that if the electromagnetic field is continuously irradiated for a long time, the body becomes more and more sensitive to the electromagnetic field. (It's a personal feeling of the caretaker)

Furthermore, there is nothing good about losing concentration and getting sick.

It may be possible that the cause of the couple is a low-frequency magnetic field.

By the way, after the low-frequency magnetic field went down, the number of couples decreased and the family became peaceful!

It is very troublesome when it becomes sensitive to electromagnetic waves.

If you are in a place with a low low-frequency magnetic field, your physical condition will subside over time.

Staying in a high low frequency magnetic field has made the caretaker quite hypersensitive.

The same is true for high frequencies.

I have a headache near the WIFI source, and I have become sensitive to the touch panel of mobile phones and radio wave sources.

There are two sources of radio waves on the smartphone you are using, the upper right of the mobile phone and the upper center of the back of the mobile phone.

Sometimes I'm surprised.

It feels like it's separated by Wifi and mobile radio waves, and you'll be able to understand that.

The computer has a numbness in the touchpad and can no longer be used.

Until now, I was a manager who used to edit videos with just one touchpad, but now I'm getting numb, so a mouse and ThinkPad are essential.

The harmful effects of hypersensitivity.



After a while after the magnetic field in the living environment dropped, the hypersensitivity improved considerably, and the touch panel of the smartphone and the touch pad of the PC did not cause finger numbness.

20 points found using the trifield meter

(All impressions are based on the measurement of the manager.)

Each person feels completely different

  1. The low-frequency electric field decays rapidly as it moves away from the source, so it is easy to prevent it once the cause is identified.

  2. To prevent damage from low-frequency electric fields, do not pass a voltage-applied power cable near the bed, do not pass a USB cable, and do not charge your mobile phone near your head.

  3. Even when the power is off, such as TVs and microwave ovens, a very strong electric field is formed just by connecting the outlet. When not in use (about 1 meter), unplug it from the outlet or keep it away from it, or ground it (the electric field almost disappears when grounded). It's troublesome if it's a plug without ground in Japan.

  4. The trouble is that even if there is a low frequency magnetic field and thick concrete, it will enter the living space through the reinforcing bars inside with almost no attenuation.

  5. The low-frequency magnetic field that makes you feel sick after being irradiated for a long time starts from around 6 mG (frequency unknown).

  6. If you continue to irradiate a strong electromagnetic field for days, your body will become more sensitive to the electromagnetic field. If you become sensitive, you will not be able to carry your cell phone for a long time, and you will be in a bad mood.

  7. For a short time, even if the value of the low frequency magnetic field is 100 mG, it does not matter, but if it becomes sensitive, even if it is about 10 mG, you will be able to see the change, and if you continue to be irradiated, you will become sensitive instead of getting used to it.

  8. If you feel sick after being exposed to a strong magnetic field for a long time, it may take several hours, sometimes days, to recover.

  9. The low-frequency magnetic field travels through the reinforcing bars in the concrete and makes the building itself a strong magnetic field space.

  10. On the contrary, a metal net that prevents high frequencies and a low frequency magnetic field become a medium that transmits over a wide range.

  11. The high frequency and magnetic field when receiving and transmitting from the mobile phone are more than 10 times stronger than during a call, so it is better to keep away from the mobile phone until it is completely connected.

  12. The strength of the electromagnetic field transmitted by the mobile phone manufacturer and model varies greatly.

  13. A very strong magnetic field is leaking from the microwave when it is warming up.

  14. The magnetic field inside the train and the motor car is very strong. Especially when the motor vehicle is accelerating, decelerating, and looking at the compass, the direction changes drastically. (Is that a DC magnetic field? It seems that it differs depending on the drive method such as vvvf inverter, DC, and AC.) It means that an AC magnetic field stronger than the strong earth magnetic field is generated.

  15. A strong magnetic field is also generated from the diesel engine during engine operation.

  16. Fiber optic cables are extremely safe because they emit almost no electromagnetic waves.

  17. Internet cable using copper wire, very strong AC magnetic field scattered around the cable

  18. Headphones using cables, do not emit an electromagnetic field that you care about

  19. Safe distance of electric field, incandescent lamp, LED, 40 cm for charging smartphone, 80 cm for fluorescent lamp, study environment for children, keep the head position away from the lamp.

  20. When you put your cell phone in the bedroom and sleep, set it to airplane mode. Or turn off the power or put it in another room

Everything is based on the caretaker's own measurement and feeling.


Increasing threats

Apart from the low-frequency magnetic field, high frequencies emitted from smartphones, mobile phones, etc. also cause malaise when exposed for a long time, if not as strong as the strong low-frequency magnetic field.

Even if it can't be helped during the day, when I go to bed at night, I try to set my phone to airplane mode before going to bed.

By doing so, fatigue seems to be reset after sleep.

What's troublesome these days is that WIFI and Bluetooth are built into cameras, etc., and if you forget to turn them off, they will be exposed without your knowledge, so you may feel sick while using them.

Speaking of which, the caretaker who used to fly a drone for shooting in Tanzania.

After flying, I remembered a cold sweat from my whole body and his hands cramping.

Probably because it was exposed to strong high frequencies.

It's easy to imagine that a drone that can be freely controlled while flying a video up to several kilometers away, and emits strong radio waves.

It looks bad for you.

Drone pilots may be more prone to physical problems such as leukemia in the future.

I hear that the Air Self-Defense Force's radio engineer will be disabled, and that only girls will be born.

(A long time ago, when I was traveling in Japan, I heard directly from a person who was a former SDF officer.)

It's a really invisible threat.

There is no doubt that everything will be connected to even faster networks and the situation will get worse in the future.


Unknown threat, 5G

And 5G, a topic that enables communication of even more information.

Nowadays, there is a lot of noise about 5G.

The current situation is that the communication speed is 100 times faster than the 4G currently used, but it seems that there is no doubt that the danger is hidden behind it.

Even 4G is not so old, and the long-term adverse effects of its use have not been elucidated.

So, even with 4G, humanity is still in the same state as guinea pigs.

Perhaps even with this 4G radio wave, many creatures may be affected without knowing it.

While the frequency band used by 4G is about 800MHZ to 3.5GHZ, there are two frequency bands used by 5G, 3.6 to 4.6GHZ and 27GHZ to 29.5GH seem to be allocated and used in Japan.

Mechanically, the higher the frequency, the more information can be put on the wave.

So, there is a history that the frequency has risen steadily as the network generation, G (generation), is newer.

This high frequency of 5G, the energy of radio waves is even stronger than 4G, and it seems that there are reports that it is destructive enough to break the spiral of DNA and destroy it in some situations.

Of particular concern is exposure to the optic nerve and eyes.

Furthermore, the energy of radio waves of 30GHZ is absorbed by oxygen molecules in the air.

It has also been reported that oxygen molecules that have absorbed that energy generate spins and cannot be adsorbed on hemoglobin in the lungs.

5G may have something to do with the current cold.

I hear that in Belgium, even experiments to transmit 5G radio waves have been banned in order to protect the safety of residents from the strong 5G radio waves. Its use was restricted in Italy, and other cities such as Board City in Switzerland and San Francisco City in the United States were also banned. It's also banned in India.

When 5G radio waves were experimentally transmitted,

It is reported that more than 30% of calves born around the source had cataracts.

It is reported that 297 dead starlings were found near the transmitting radio tower. (Netherlands)

Etc. can be raised.

In Japan as well, as a result of 5G test irradiation at Zenpukuji Temple in Suginami, Tokyo, many dead pigeons were found in the surrounding area.

I don't know how credible it is, but it seems like a 5G network, just testing it would explode.

As for dangerous information, as long as the 5G network is promoted in the country, it will not come out much in the future.

When it becomes a national policy, inconvenient information is hidden and the law is usually prepared in a convenient way.

What is usually touted as "safe" means that it is dangerous.

On the contrary, it is safe to be called out of danger.

It is a word that is always used when advancing dangerous things in national policy.

It's complicated because it involves muddy interests.

As always, you'll have to investigate the danger yourself and face the threat.

Even without a 5G network, it is already affected by electromagnetic waves.

On top of that, the threat 5G that accumulates further.

A convenient one is a double-edged sword, which almost always has the opposite effect.

In the future, people who are vulnerable to electromagnetic waves will be weeded out.

But I can't train! If you continue to be exposed, you will become hypersensitive.

Climb the mountain and say "I like the air!"

In the future, it seems that you will be able to experience "The radio waves are weak and refreshing!"

Until the end Thank you for reading.



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