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Perseids meteor shower in the city Tokyo

Writer's picture: 岩本貴志岩本貴志

This time, I changed my mind and talked about the stars.

August 12th was the maximum day of the Perseids meteor shower.

Every year, August 12th is the maximum day of the Perseids meteor shower, and astronomical fans should be observing meteors all over the world.

The manager also belonged to the Ichiou Astronomical Club when he was in high school, and even went to Nobeyama in Nagano prefecture to observe meteors.

When the meteor crossed the night sky, I remember screaming "Fly!" And recording the time it left, the route of the constellations it passed, and the brightness.

The conditions of the moon were bad this year, but the bright sky of Tokyo, the stagnant summer air, and the moonlight have nothing to do with it.

It was sunny, so I went to a nearby park with my camera, hoping that I could take even one meteor.

For the time being, it is a verification of how many stars are reflected in the urban summer sky.

I don't usually look at the starry sky in the city of Tokyo, but when I look at it again, I was surprised at how difficult it is to see the star and how bright the sky is.

Whether it was a thin cloud or the air was stagnant, the sky was so bright that I couldn't think of it at night, and I could hardly see the stars.

I squinted my eyes and finally I could barely see the second magnitude star.

Even in the sky of Tokyo such as winter when the air is clear, the transparency is high and you should be able to see quite a few stars.

For the time being, I used a fisheye lens so that the meteor could fly anywhere.

I took several shots, set the sensitivity to ISO2000, set the aperture to f3.2, and shoot at intervals of 8 seconds.

When you take a picture, the sky turns white in a blink of an eye, so be careful with the exposure.

(This setting wasn't modest at all. It's a setting I've thought of compared to the dark sky in the savanna)

Not to mention the night sky seen in the savanna.

Thirteen minutes after shooting began, a fireball-class meteor slowly crossed the eastern sky.

It took 3-4 seconds from appearance to disappearance. I felt.

At the same time as the meteor flowed, I suddenly shouted "Yosher !!"

By the way, how much does it appear in the photograph?

At 21:40, a fireball-class meteor crossed the sky from left to right.

Occasionally, I saw a bright shooting star and heard a sound! However, it is the upper atmosphere that a general shooting star emits light, about 100 km above the ground. Sound on the ground

It will take about 5 minutes to arrive. I can't hear that kind of sound,

Looking at this fireball, I felt that the manager also heard a sound. "Sur-sur-sur-sur-charaloo ..." Like this.

Maybe you can really hear it?

There is a story that long-period electromagnetic waves can be heard as sound, and because they come with light, they can be heard at the same time as the meteor can be seen.

Corrected the above photo for clarity, the white line in the middle is a shooting star

It's dark and hard to see in a photo, but it's actually extremely bright.

The brightness of the meteor is Venus or higher when it is the brightest, and it is brighter than minus 4 mag, so it may be called a fireball.

Since it came from the northeastern direction of Perseids, it is probably derived from the Perseids meteor shower.

In the photo, the meteor is spilled into the bright sky, so it is difficult to express the brightness of the meteor no matter how much it is corrected.

The exposure was too long even at 8 seconds.

The two bright stars at the top of the top photo are Vega of Zhinü in Tanabata and Altair of Hikoboshi, both of which are 1st magnitude stars.

This brightness is the two 1st magnitude stars that have been stationary for 8 seconds.

You can see how bright the meteor was because the meteor that flows away in an instant appears much brighter than the two first-class stars.

Actually, I think it stretched to the left and right much longer than you can see in the photo.

The photo above looks dark because the sky is corrected to make it as dark as possible so that the meteor emerges, but if it is left uncorrected, it will look like the photo below. Become.

Actually, it looks like this even with the naked eye, and you can see a little star near the zenith.

The meteor is crushed and I can't see anything


It's very clear that you have to go to a dark place in the sky to see and shoot the stars.

Is that natural?

If it is a fireball class meteor, I managed to verify that the meteor can be photographed even in the city.

For the time being, it was a verification of how many stars would appear in the city in the summer.

If you live in a city where the sky is so stagnant and you can hardly see stars, your heart and soul will be stagnant.

the end


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takashi iwamoto rogo white wide

アフリカ・フォトグラファー 岩本貴志|ドキュメンタリー 動画/ 写真 撮影

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