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"Urban goshawks, breeding records" 11, snow during nesting

Updated: Aug 11, 2022

This blog introduces the life of a goshawk, a wild drama that unfolded in front of the caretaker in an urban park Tokyo Japan from July 2017 to December 2018.

A female who bends her neck when she sees the snow that has begun to fall

On January 22, 2018, the snow that began to fall in the morning continued to fall in earnest until midnight, and there was considerable snow in Tokyo.

This female goshawk, maybe the first time I've seen a pile of snow, showed me a lot of interesting expressions.

In this blog, I will introduce the state of the goshawk during the heavy snowfall.


The nest was built with the baton handed over to the female, and the start was not so smooth.

A female started searching for nest materials early in the morning.

The temperature gradually dropped and the clouds were suspicious and the area became dark.

It started to snow in less than a while.

The work of searching for female nest materials has been temporarily suspended.

There is no need to stop the work with this amount of snow, so the reason for the cancellation seems to be observing the snow.

The female observed for a while from a place where a large amount of white objects pouring down from the sky, "snow", had a good view.

Birds, when trying to observe something well, often change the angle of their necks, perhaps to confirm the sense of distance.

This female also twisted her neck and observed the "falling snow".

The snow is coming down

It was snow that began to fall slowly, but it gradually began to fall.

As the wind blew, Mess moved into the woods and continued to observe the snow.

The snow that keeps falling is getting heavier.

I moved to avoid snow

The snow has become so heavy that it is no longer the place to observe the snow.

The female moved to a leafy area on a branch that seemed to be overwhelmed by snow.

Still, it is snowing on the branches. This place doesn't seem to be a good place to overcome the snow.

After this, the female immediately flew somewhere.

She must have gone looking for a better place to overcome the snow.

Didn't I get a good night's sleep in the snow last night? Female

The next morning, when I went to the park around sunrise, I saw a female near the nest.

Where and how did you spend last night when it snowed completely?

I'm sure I couldn't sleep well.

Looking at his facial expression, he kept scratching his head with the gesture that he couldn't sleep yet, and it seemed that he was lacking sleep.

You will feel the warmth in the morning sun, and you will be standing with goosebumps all over your body.

Unlike rain, snow doesn't soak into the feathers, so you won't feel the cold so much.

Isn't it necessary to worry about the cold for birds that are covered with feathers?


Snow and goshawk, sharp eyes to see prey

Slowly, when I was fluttering and my body was warming up.

Two pigeons landed on the snow surface without noticing the goshawk, the distance was perfect for hunting, and the blood of the goshawk as a hunter could not be noisy, so the female tried to hunt immediately.

It seems that it was a little difficult to hunt pigeons, which are the bodies of females that are nourished and heavier.

The female also seems to have forgotten that her body is getting heavier.

She tried to eat the snow that had fallen

And the destination of the female is the place of the nest which was one of the candidate sites.

There is plenty of snow there. The reason I came here is to try eating snow.

I put some snow in my mouth and tried it.

It seems that it has been confirmed that it is not delicious.

After eating the snow, I rubbed my beak on the branches and relentlessly wiped the snow.

Maybe I was surprised by the coldness of the snow that gradually soaked into my mouth.

This goshawk seems to have never seen snow.

On this day, it was very warm and cheerful, unlike yesterday, and the snow that had fallen melted when I saw it, and the snow that had piled up on the trees melted and disappeared in the afternoon.

to be continued

Due to circumstances, the next day, the caretaker flew to Kenya and was unable to observe the goshawk for a while.

When I met the snow and goshawk that I had hoped for the day before the flight, "Is my usual behavior good?" "I don't know!"

The next "Urban Goshawk, Breeding Record" will cover the situation from April.

Please look forward to it.


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