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"Urban Goshawk, Breeding Record" 15, Male, Female Alternate Eggs to Protect and Warm

Writer's picture: Takashi IwamotoTakashi Iwamoto

This blog introduces the life of a goshawk, a wild drama that unfolded in front of the caretaker in an urban park in Tokyo Japan from July 2017 to December 2018.

A female happily looking at the face of a male who has returned to take turns during incubation

The goshawk, which was preparing for breeding smoothly, seems to have laid eggs safely.

This time, I will introduce the situation at that time.


In early May, there were always males or females in the nest, although the eggs could not be seen directly.

It seems that they have already laid eggs and started incubation.

How many eggs do you have?

Basically, females often incubate in their nests, but sometimes males take care of the eggs.

If you leave an unprotected egg for a moment, your precious egg may be eaten by a crow.

If that happens, all the preparations for breeding that have continued since winter will be a bubble of water.

Perhaps she is fully aware of this, the female never leaves her nest, warming her eggs and waiting for the male to return.

When the male returned to the nest, she did not give a chance to the foreign enemy and immediately made a incubation baton touch. The female immediately flew out of the nest and perched on a nearby branch.

She first stretched her wings enough and loosened her body.

While having the male replace her incubation, the female stretches her body, grooms her feathers, drinks water, and eats when the male brings food to change her mood. do.

Even if you say a change of mood, all of them are important actions for your physical health.

Fleeting rest during incubation, female

A female who stretches her body contracted by incubation and changes her mood.

He stayed still in the nest for a long time and became a shabby figure.

Incubation marks can be seen on the part of the abdomen that just touches the egg.

There seems to be no doubt that the eggs are warming.

The female quickly groomed her feathers.

There is no guarantee that the crows in the urban park will be attacked at any time.

In such an emergency, it is essential to take care of the feathers so that they can fly quickly in order to fight to protect the eggs and chicks. ,

After finishing the feather care, I headed to the female favorite water place.

Mothers must be careful about their health for their children.

I drank water at my favorite water place and immediately took off

I didn't bathe this time, I just drank water.

It seems that the body and feathers during incubation cannot be wet with water.

After that, I headed to the top of the forest tree.

Bring the nest material for repair to the nest and replace it with a male again

I went to the top of the tree to look for affordable cedar branches with leaves.

A female who finds an affordable nest material and carries it to the nest every time she goes out to repair the nest.

Does it mean to replenish the insect repellent contained in the leaves of cedar? If so, it may be better to take insect repellent measures rather than repair.

It is known that cedar leaves have bactericidal actions such as antibacterial, antifungal, mite-proof, and insect-proof.

Goshawks seem to be aware of that.

But this may be a secret that only females know.

Only the goshawk couple, females, carry the branches with leaves, and I don't see males carrying them.

Is the egg uncomfortable unless it is warmed by itself, or is it worrisome to leave it to the male?

Not too slowly, he did all the errands quickly, holding a branch with cedar leaves in his beak, and the female returned straight to the nest.

to be continued


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  • "Urban Goshawks, Observation Records" 14, Preparation for Breeding of Japanese Sparrowhawks

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  • "Urban goshawk, record of observation" 16, chicks have hatched !?


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