"The story of a goshawk, a bird of prey that has advanced into the city Tokyo Japan"
This blog introduces the life of a goshawk, a wild drama that unfolded in front of the caretaker in an urban park in Tokyo from July 2017 to December 2018.
Trying to monopolize the prey, but not so easy to eat
The appetite of the three birds was strong, and the competition for prey became fierce day by day.
As soon as the parent bird brings food, all the siblings fly toward their prey.
The first brother to reach the prey tries to escape with the prey in order to monopolize it,
Not yet dexterous or powerful enough to carry a whole large prey.
Even if you can carry it, you can reach the branches nearby.
It was a prey that I tried to monopolize, but I immediately dropped it.
Undemolished prey is not so easy to eat, and large, heavy and unhandled juveniles are often dropped.
The ground on which prey falls is still undeveloped for young birds.
I know all three of them have prey on the ground, but no one seems to have the courage to land.
Each seems to be waiting for someone to get off next.
Everyone thinks the ground is still a scary place.
You may think that you will be attacked by some unknown creature.
The ground requires a lot of power to fly, and it is difficult to escape if it is attacked by prey.
If left as it is, it will be stolen by crows etc.
After this, after a while, I decided, or the three young birds landed on the ground.
The prey was split and three were able to fill their stomachs.
If you handle the skin, the meat will disappear in no time.
These days, the prey is carried in by the father bird with almost no mouth.
The young birds struggle to tear the skin and cannot easily start eating their prey.
In the past, father birds often brought in half-eaten prey. Maybe it was a consideration to make it easier for children to eat?
Nowadays, children eat little prey and only tear off their necks and bring them in, so children can't eat without dismantling their prey themselves.
This may also be the love of the father bird to help the children learn how to dismantle their prey.
It seems that the father bird is changing its behavior as the children grow up.
Two birds playing on the ground
When I got down to the ground and found out that there were no unknown beasts I wanted to get there, I started to walk around the ground for food debris.
You can sometimes find fragments of prey that you dropped before.
First time hunting? I think I can eat this one
There are quite a few cicadas and insects on the ground that are weak and have not flown.
The young birds found these small prey and began small hunting.
It's like practicing diving and hunting for prey that has fallen to the ground.
It's a dead prey, but I've also started diving to catch live prey.
The blood as a hunter seems to be awakening little by little.
Three young birds that grow stronger as they learn every day.
And, while hiding, I felt the affection of the father bird that supports the growth of the three birds.
to be continued
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