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"Urban goshawks, breeding records" 31, scramble for prey

Updated: Aug 11, 2022

This blog introduces the life of a goshawk, a wild drama that unfolded in front of the caretaker in an urban park in Tokyo Japan from July 2017 to December 2018.

Usually good friends sisters

The three young birds are hungry.

However, the frequency with which food for the parent birds is brought in has decreased.

What happened among the three brothers?


Three young birds that have come to fly freely in the sky.

Nowadays, a single crow has become a flying skill that can be driven away freely while making fun of it.

However, the food is still dependent on my parents.

The experience of hunting is about that of insect cicadas, so no matter how much you eat, you cannot fill your stomach.

Contrary to the hunger of the three brothers who are always flying around, Dad Goshawk, by the time July is approaching the second half, he is no longer carrying food as often as before.

Well, why?

Young birds who are running out of food and are not able to fill their stomachs sufficiently,

The hungry young birds' fighting for food has become more fierce than ever.

The three brothers are trying to write the back of the brothers and take the food first and monopolize it.

A father goshawk who carries food and returns, which may come from anywhere.

I'm always watching to find my dad first from the utility poles and treetops that give me a good view.

The brothers are also observing each other for suspicious movements so as not to miss the food.

When the father goshawk brings the prey, everyone dashes to the prey at a glance! Twice

So far, the same scene that has been seen before.

Until very recently, my dad had carried enough food for three of them to fill their stomachs.

At that time, we didn't get along well with each other, but we didn't have to monopolize and we all ate.

But lately, the food hasn't brought enough to fill my stomach with three birds.

When this happens, all the brothers are desperate to eat as much food as possible.

Once you have secured the food, make sure to grab the food instead of hawking it so that you do not drop it.

Then, while covering the prey with wings, he eats it all to himself so as not to be robbed by his brother.

Cover the food with feathers so that it will not be stolen by the brothers

Those who miss the food will not attack directly, but will threaten to steal the food from their brothers.

I'm looking for a chance that the other party can drop or steal food.

Even if they threaten each other, it is probably the brothers' bond that they do not attack.

It seems unlikely that the food will be caught and dropped.

Even if I went back and forth while threatening the other party with a loud voice, or even if I approached and threatened the other party, I could not steal food from the other party at this time.

Those who were eating the food were not dropped or robbed, and the food was completely eaten to the end.

The place where they are eating is also covered with cedar leaves, and it seems that they did not have to be deprived of food well.

A young bird feeding, "What are you making so much noise when you're just resting here?"

A young bird that couldn't find it in the food, "I know I'm eating with the food hidden by the wings, so give me half as well!"

A young bird eating food, "There is no food!"

The brothers may be exchanging like this.

These two are probably sisters.


Also at another time.

It seems that a young bird that has sufficient ability to fly in the sky, and even if it has a large prey, has acquired the ability to fly sufficiently.

A young bird that was able to take away the food that my father brought to me

In an attempt to escape from the brothers and monopolize the food, he rushed out of the forest with a large prey he had stolen.

"I'm full if I can monopolize this!"

I'll monopolize this prey!

The flight ability seems to be almost the same as that of the parent bird.

Perhaps physically, they have already grown enough to hunt.

For successful hunting

You must read the flight path of the prey that escapes at the risk of life, write the back of the opponent, and make good use of the terrain on the spot.

Such a lot of wisdom, knowledge and experience are required.

The wisdom and knowledge of the three birds are still insufficient.

In order to reach that area, we have to make mistakes and remember.

The shadow of the sisters chasing from behind, it seems that it is not easy to monopolize the food

It seems to be the eldest son who steals prey and runs away.

Although he is small, he may have been able to observe his opponent as usual and take a good chance to steal food and escape from his sisters.

From behind, his sister chased, "I won't let you monopolize!"

If he has a big prey, he won't speed up and can't fly around as he expected.

The eldest son was about to catch up and fled into the woods again.

The eldest son who tried to monopolize the food, eats while dismantling the food, but during that time the pieces of meat fall to the ground.

He wasn't too greedy to eat in a hurry and dropped a larger piece of meat he had in his hand.

Into the forest again

After all, it was not possible to eat it all by itself, and eventually all three birds were able to reach the prey.

Three brothers with a strong appetite, of course, this alone does not fill their stomachs.

If you continue to be fed enough food, the three brothers will never start hunting with their parents.

Dad Goshawk, "Let's motivate the children to start hunting!", I'm sure they started squeezing the food to feed with that feeling.

Of course, while making mistakes repeatedly.

I felt the concern and affection for the children of such a father goshawk.

to be continued


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