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Photo Gallery | Photographer, Takashi Iwamoto / Video / Photography | Africa

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Crow kicked out by a goshawk

Updated: Aug 12, 2022

This time, two years ago when I was chasing a goshawk, I completed what I was writing and was in the middle of writing, so I will upload it.

I would like to tell you about the crows who are a little disliked.


A crow whose shoulders are narrowing due to the advance of birds of prey

A crow that is hated for cluttering garbage and poking the heads of passersby who approach the nest during breeding.

It looks like it's all black, and it's not cute, but when you look into their eyes nearby, it has a surprisingly pure brilliance and cuteness in the black, compared to the raptor's squishy eyes. It is also one of the constellations that shine in the night sky, and it seems that the crow was originally white in mythology. It is said that God made it black as a punishment for some reason.

It can be seen that it is a bird that has not been favored by humans since ancient times.

Crows can be found anywhere in the world, from the seaside to the top of the mountains, where people usually live.

When I go to the usual park to shoot goshawks

Every day, a good couple of crows came back together at the same time, drank water at the usual place, took a rest on the usual telephone pole, and then headed to the ridge. The couple will sleep well as usual.

And in the morning, we go to work together early in the morning at the same time.

He is also a serious hard worker who always keeps time.

Until now, the crow had been a crow as the pinnacle of the park ecosystem, but since the arrival of the goshawk, it has been expelled and its shoulders have become narrower.

In order to regain the territory, "Our place is originally here!", A large number of people try to repel the goshawk, but in the end they are driven away and their shoulders become narrower and narrower.

A lot of people challenge the goshawk, but eventually they run away from the goshawk.

A crow that can't be brought to an adult goshawk at all. Crows are stubborn, as they are sometimes eaten by goshawks.

Crows are rarely seen in the midst of wilderness such as national parks such as the African savanna, but they are almost always seen in the wilderness such as ranger posts and lodges in national parks. In a sense, it can be said to be a creature that parasitizes the environment created by humans.

I didn't see it at the summit of Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa at 5895 meters, but when I climbed Mount Meru in Tanzania at 4565 meters, I came across a crow at the summit. Climbers will come to eat food such as lunch boxes.

It seems that they bother to fly from their ridge with a hat about 7 km away at an altitude of 3000 meters.

Mt. Meru Tanzania 4565 meter

Mt. Meru, the second highest peak in Tanzania, 4565 meters above sea level

It takes hours to walk up from the hat to the summit, but for those flying in the sky, they can catch the updraft and climb to the summit in no time. In the photo above, the tip of the shooting location is a cliff and an updraft blows up. At the back of the photo, the highest point is Mt. Meru, the summit of 4565 meters.

In fact, as is generally known, it seems to be very smart, it seems that people can identify it, and it seems that it can also convey its characteristics to crows elsewhere. "Be careful because people with these characteristics will shoot with a slingshot!"

It seems that each individual recognizes who they are and acts under a hierarchy.

Once a quarrel within a group begins, many will help.

The lower ranks try to help the higher ranks, sell their favors, raise their ranks higher, and drag the slightly higher ranks down.

There is no mercy on those who do not obey Jinyi.

Crows who disobey "Oki" will be sanctioned as a group

Sometimes I lose my life.

On the left is a crow that was half-killed because he met a group lynch among his friends.

After this, he stood up, but soon exhausted.


Crows are not only hated by humans, but also by small birds and medium-sized birds.

I can understand it for living and eating, but I also witnessed harassing crows by poking their heads while flying to the spot-Billed turtles swimming on the surface of the water, which is not harmful to crows.

What kind of feeling is a crow harassing such a neighbor, and is it even a relief from his friends? A crow doing such a thing may be like a weak outcast in the group. I'm sure it's eight hits against weak ones.

One day, I encountered a crow drowning in a river.

A lot of crows are screaming in the sky, "One of our friends has drowned!".

The other crows who heard the noise also said, "What's the matter !?" "What's the matter?", And one crow increased in the sky.

One crow goes somewhere as soon as he confirms the situation, as if he were saying, "What, someday, it feels good!"


A crow receiving revenge from a spot-Billed turtle

Perhaps he accidentally landed and drowned while trying to poke the head of a spot-Billed turtle.

The drowning crows were moving back and forth on both banks of the river, but both were cliffs, deep in the water, unable to reach the land, struggling hard, but struggling to the extent that they struggled. I drank water and my body sank.

The spot-Billed crow, who is always poked in his head, attacks the drowning crow as if he were saying, "Zamaamiyagare!"

The strength of the struggling feathers gradually weakened, and it seems that he was drinking a large amount of water. Water may have entered the lungs as well. It gradually sinks.

Eventually the crow has run out

After struggling for a while, he thought he had raised his head once and at the same time he was exhausted.

It was a miserable end.

The exhausted crow was slowly swept downstream along with the dead leaves.

The crow who saw this whole story from above, will he reflect and stop poking the duck? That's what I want.

Not limited to crows, many animals cannot drink or bathe in river water on these cliff revetments.

By all means, I would like to see more hydrophilic revetments that can be used by more creatures, including humans.

Although it is a hated crow, it can be seen that it protected the small birds from carnivorous birds such as goshawks.

The resting place where pigeons and small birds spent their time gracefully until the northern goshawk arrived is now a goshawk hunting ground.

The birds of the neighbors were scared and couldn't get close to them.

The little birds are probably cheering for the crows in the shadows.

"Crows, don't be sloppy even though you're always so intimidating! Get rid of the goshawks soon!"

Now that birds of prey are advancing into urban areas, crows have the feeling of being dragged down from the top of the ecosystem.

Nature is constantly changing dynamically. I am wondering how the battle for initiative in urban ecosystems will change in the future.

As always, all texts are drawn by the caretaker's own experience, observations, and selfish delusions, and are not particularly scientifically based.



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